Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
NameJane Prickett
Birth15 Feb 1806, Hamilton County Ohio
Death21 Jan 1887, Washington Twp, Noble County, Indiana
BurialMetz Cemetery, Noble County, Indiana
FatherNicholas Prickett (1771-1825)
MotherCatherine Knapper (1776-1846)
Misc. Notes
John R. Piper died 11-19-1835 in Clark Co., Ohio. His widow Jane remained a widow until her death. In 1841, Jane and her children moved to Indiana where John's sisters and their family moved in 1831.1

On the 1840 Census, Jane was living in Harmony Twp, Clark Co., Ohio, as head of household.1


Piper- Died in Washington township, Noble county, Indiana, at the residence of her son, George W. Piper, January 21, 1887, Jane Piper, aged 80 years, 11 months and 6 days.

She had been a great sufferer for a number of years with that dread disease, cancer, but she bore her suffering with christian patience. The subject of this sketch was born in Hamilton county, 0H., February 15, 1806, and when but young located with her parents (Nicholas and Catharine Prickett) near Springfield, Clark county, 0H, and on Nov. 25, 1824 was united in marriage to John P. Piper. To them were six children, four sons and two daughters, all of whom have preceded her to the Spirit Land, except two, viz: GeorgeW. Piper, of this country and Dr. John Piper, of Washington Territory.

About one year ago, after an absence of 35 years, the last named son returned to visit his aged mother, which visit proved to be their last meeting on this earth. Mother Piper was left a widow November 19, 1835, and remained a widow up to the time of her death. She, with her family of children, moved to this county (Noble) in October 1841, when this country was as it were, a howling wildnerness. With but a very small competence and a determined will she set out to meet the stern reality of this life, and by hard labor and frugality, she managed to rear her children and obtain an aubundance of this world's goods. She united with the Free BaDtist church of Noble county over 44 years years ago, and remained a consistent and worthy member up to the time of her departure. Her voice was often heard sounding forth the praise of her Master, her hand was ever open to administer to the wants of the needy. Truly we can say, she was a mother in Israel. She left a bright evidence of her acceptance with God. She was loved and respected by all who had the pleasure of forming her acquaintance. Let us all try to emulate her good qualities, so when we are called one by one to cross over the river of death, we shall be permitted to meet this dear mother and other dear friends that have gone on before.

Funeral service at the house of George W. Piper, January 23, 1887, conducted by Elder Jones, assisted by Elders Winebrenner and Reynolds. Text, Revelations 14-13.

A large concourse of relatives and neighbors attended the funeral services and accompanied the remains to the grave. The deceased left three brothers, two sons, seventeen grand-children and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her departure, but they mourn not as those who have no hope. In the language of the poet, we'll say

Dear as thou was,and justly dear
We will not weep, for thee
One thought shall check the starting tear,
It is, that thou art free.

And thus shall faith's consoling power
The tears of love restrain;
0, who that saw they parting hour,
Could wish thee back again?

Triumphant is thy closing eye
The hope of glory shone;
Joy breathed in thine expiring sigh,
To think the fight was won.

Gently the passing spirit fled,
Sustained by grace divine;
0, may such grace on me be shed,
And make my end like thine?

-(J.P. KITT,)

Merriam, IN., Jan. 21, 1887

Children of JOHN PIPER and JANE PRICKETT are:
i. RACHEL K.2 PIPER, b. Aft. 1824; d. Bef. 1887.
ii. WILLIAM PIPER, b. Aft. 1824; d. Bef. 1887.
2. iii. GEORGE W. PIPER, b. December 19, 1828, Clark County, Ohio; d. September 14, 1906, Washington Township, Noble County, Indiana, buried Metz Cemetery.
iv. JOHN J. PIPER, b. Aft. 1828; d. Bef. 1906.
v. CATHERINE PIPER, b. Aft. 1828; d. Bef. 1887.
vi. DAVID PIPER, b. Aft. 1828; d. Bef. 1887.

Probate Record:
Piper Jane, d. 1-21-1887. Fd: 1-19-1887. Ch: George W, John J Piper, Gc: Emma J Randall, G W I Jones, Elida Jackson, Edwin H, George W, W I Buckles, Jennie B Reed.
Birth1 Feb 1806, Virginia1
Death19 Nov 1835, Clark County, Ohio60
BurialSinking Creek Cemetery, Clark County, Ohio
FatherGeorge William Piper (1776-1854)
MotherJane Runyan (~1779-1841)
Marriage24 Nov 1824, Clark County Ohio
ChildrenRachel K. (1825-1878)
 William (1827-1851)
 George W. (1828-1906)
 John J. (1831-1908)
 David (1833-1851)
 Catherine (1835-1881)
Last Modified 22 Dec 2018Created 18 Feb 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh