Misc. Notes
1850 Census -
Vincent Chamberlain (40), Mary (32), Calvin R. (16), George (6), Timothy F (15)
Obit - London County Democrat, February 12, 1890
Mrs. Mary Chamberlain, relict of the late Vincent Chamberlain, died at her home on Walnut street in this place last Thursday at midnight, aged 72 years. Deceased has been in ill health for twenty years past and two weeks ago received a partial stroke of paralysis which ultimately caused death. Mary Jones was born near Lafayette, this county, February 5th 1818, and was a daughter of Isaac Jones, an old-time pioneer. She was married to Vincent Chamberlain in 1833 in London, where she has ever since lived. Twelve children were born to them, only two of whom are living -Miss Maime, the popular London Primary school teacher, and Mrs Anna Holt, of New Castle, Penn. Two sons lost their lives in the civil war - George dying in Florence prison and Tim. being accidentally drowned in the Little Kanawa river. Her beloved consort passed away in May, 1885, leaving the mother in the care of her daughter. Mrs. Chamberlain has one brother living, Mr. William Jones, an invalid, who makes his home with daughter, Mrs. Otway Watson, in Columbus, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, also and invalid, living with her daughter in Cincinnati.
The deceased was converted at the age of eleven years under ministration of old father Sutton, and has ever since lived a consistent christian life. During her late illness she expressed to her daughter willingness to die and was fully prepared to meet her Master. Rev. Dillon conducted the funeral services at the late home last Sunday morning, after which the remains were conveyed to the Kirkwood Cemetery vault followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives.
Goes by Polly Jones on the rootsweb site - Beams/Naugle
Misc. Notes
Douglas S Jones in Jones Family Genealogy: "Obit - London County Democrat, February 12, 1890: Mrs. Mary Chamberlain, relict of the late Vincent Chamberlain, died at her home on Walnut street in this place last Thursday at midnight, aged 72 years. Deceased has been in ill health for twenty years past and two weeks ago received a partial stroke of paralysis which ultimately caused death. Mary Jones was born near Lafayette, this county, February 5th 1818, and was a daughter of Isaac Jones, an old-time pioneer. She was married to Vincent Chamberlain in 1833 in London, where she has ever since lived. Twelve children were born to them, only two of whom are living -Miss Maime, the popular London Primary school teacher, and Mrs Anna Holt, of New Castle, Penn. Two sons lost their lives in the civil war - George dying in Florence prison and Tim. being accidentally drowned in the Little Kanawa river. Her beloved consort passed away in May, 1885, leaving the mother in the care of her daughter. Mrs. Chamberlain has one brother living, Mr. William Jones, an invalid, who makes his home with daughter, Mrs. Otway Watson, in Columbus, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, also and invalid, living with her daughter in Cincinnati.
The deceased was converted at the age of eleven years under ministration of old father Sutton, and has ever since lived a consistent christian life. During her late illness she expressed to her daughter willingness to die and was fully prepared to meet her Master. Rev. Dillon conducted the funeral services at the late home last Sunday morning, after which the remains were conveyed to the Kirkwood Cemetery vault followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives."