Misc. Notes
The son, William, a well-known and highly respected citizen, was in 1840, married to Narcissa Jones, daughter of Samuel Jones, a pioneer of Noble county, Ind., by whom he had two daughters: Mary B. and Jane G. He cleared a farm in the vicinity of New Paris, made a good home for himself and family and became possessed of 300 acres of land. Both Mr. Cowan and his wife were members of the United Presbyterian Church, in which he was for many years an .elder. Mr. Cowan died in 1871 and his wife in 1884.
971850 Census - William Cowan (39) Born in Ohio, Farmer
Narcissa (26) Mary B. (8), Jane G. (5)
Elizabeth Fenton living with the family (15)
Samuel Jones (22) and daughter Harriet J. (3 months) are living on the property next to the Cowan's.
441860 Census - William Cowan (49) Born in Ohio, Farmer.
Narcissa (37) , Mary B. (18) Jane G. (16) William (2)
Samuel Fenton and N. (Narcissa) Ann Fenton are living with the family.