Misc. Notes
This our deadend for our direct Jones lineage.
This is from a segment on John C. Jones - The paternal grandfather of our subject came to America from England in the latter part of the eighteenth century.
80There is a section in the history of Madison County, Ohio about John C. Jones that states "His grandfather. Solomon Jones, was a native of England and came to the United States at an early day."
80The handwritten family history by Frank Jones abt 1894 lists Soloman Jones and Lidice Sill as being married in Tennesse and coming to Ohio in 1814 from Knox County Tennessee.
41Tax records have a Solomon Jones in Sullivan County Tennessee 1796 which is next to Hawkins County where the Britton’s lived (grant may have been made as early as 1780-81) No proof of this connection at this time to our Solomon Jones
Moved to London Ohio, Madison County about 1814. They came from Knox County Tennessee
41Solomon Jones family - additional children.
81Researcher Pat Daughtery:
William Jones b 1789 is the son of Solomon Jones and Lydia Sill, they had 9 children. I have the names of 4
William m Elizbeth Droke
Zachens m Elizabeth Key
Issac N
The paternal grandparents of our subject were Solomon and Lydia (Sill) Jones, who were natives respectively of Wales and Tennessee.