Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
NameEllen Scott
Birth14 May 1828, Madison County, Ohio
Death31 May 1913, Kimmell, Indiana
BurialStringtown Cemetery, Wolf Lake, Noble County Indiana
FatherRobert Scott (1790-1861)
MotherElizabeth Frederick (1803-1858)
Misc. Notes
Obituary of Mrs. Ellen Scott Wiley
Ellen (Scott) Wiley was born May 14, 1828, In Madison county, Ohio, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Clark, in Kimmell, Ind., May 31, 1913, aged 85 years and 17 days. She was the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Scott.
In 1835, at the age of seven years, she with her parents came to this state and settled in Noble county, living on the old Scott farm near Ormas until her marriage, then on the Wiley farm until her death, with the exception of but a few years in Cromwell, Ind.
In 1847 she was united in marriage to David Austin Wiley. To this union were born nine children, four of whom have preceded her to the spirit world – William, having died in 1850, George in 1853, Mary E. Buckles in 1894 and Anna E. Sharp in 1904. Those remaining are Dora E. Jones, of Vancouver, Canada, David A. Wiley, of Wolf Lake, Robert W. Wiley, of Kimmell, Rose B. Green, of Cromwell, and Margaret R. Clark, of Kimmelll. She is survived by thirty-two grandchildren and twenty-seven great grandchildren, besides two brothers and many relatives and a host of friends.
She was left a widow in 1866, with a large family to provide for, but by her industry, courage, zeal and self-sacrifice she educate, clothed and provided them with a good home, not only giving them the best of council and advice, but showing in her daily life the proper and Christian way to live. Being one of the early settlers of Noble county she endured many hardships and hard work all her life until the last few years, but through it all she was ever ready to help the sick, the needy and afflicted. Her charity was boundless, her industry unceasing. Many there are who can remember when her helping hand was extended in time of sickness and trouble through the home burden was heavy for one mother to carry alone.
In 1872 she united with the Christian church at Stringtown at the old Stringtown school house, and has ever since been a faithful and consistent member of the church. In looking over her old Bible, which was her daily companion, we find many of her favorite passages marked, but none better fitting her life than her chosen text: “I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept my faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me a that day, and not to me only, but to all them that love His appearing.”
Her sickness extended over many weeks, but she was always patient, often saying, “I am ready and only waiting God’s good time.” She made all funeral arrangements, being conscious and glad to see her friends until the last.
Funeral services were held at the Stringtown Christian church, conducted by Rev. A.E. Gaff, of Albion. Burial in nearby cemetery.
Birth1824, Vermont
Death1866, Noble County, Indiana54
BurialStringtown Cemetery, Wolf Lake, Noble County Indiana
FatherDavid Wiley (1796-1863)
MotherRebecca Austin (1796-1850)
Marriage1847, Noble County Indiana
ChildrenMary Ellen (1849-1894)
 William E. (Died as Infant) (1850-1850)
 George E. (Died as Child) (1851-1853)
 Elsa Ladora (1853-1946)
 David Austin (1856-1943)
 Robert Wayne (1859-1944)
 Anna E. (1862-1905)
 Rose B. (1863-1933)
 Margaret R. (Maggie) (1866-1947)
Last Modified 5 Feb 2024Created 18 Feb 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh