Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
NameDavid Bradley
Misc. Notes
DAVID M. BRADLEY, farmer, P.O. Lafayette. The subject of this sketch was born November 18, 1815, in Franklin County, Ohio. His parents were David and Nancy Lawson Bradley. His grandfather, James Bradley, emigrated from Virginia to Madison County, Ohio, and settled near where our subject at present resides about the year 1805 or 1806, and where he remained until his decease. In 1816, David Bradley with his family removed from Franklin County, Ohio, where he had been residing twelve years, to his father's homestead in Monroe Township, Madison County, where he spent the remainder of his days and departed this life April 18, 1848. His wife survived him several years, having died June 10, 1862. Of the several children that were born to them, but three of them are now living. Our subject was in his youth trained to the pursuits of agriculture, in which he is still engaged. On September 21, 1837, he married Miss Hannah R. Kampf, by whom he had eleven children, one now living, viz., William D. She died November 11, 1863, and he again married, on October 3, 1866, this time to Mrs. Mary C. Hesser, widow of the late Henry Hesser. By this union there has been an issue of four children, three of whom are now living, viz., Carrie, Nancy A., and Franklin I. Mr. Bradley had two sons, Harvey and Henry, who served in the late war of the rebellion. Henry, who had been in the service more than one year, owing to exposure, was rendered unfit for any further service; he returned home, and, shortly after his arrival, died. Harvey, the other son, served during the greater part of the war, and when the expiration of the term of his enlistment transpired, received an honorable discharge. Our subject has served as Trustee of Monroe Township; also as Treasurer, and is the owner of 303 acres of good, tillable land.
ChildrenDavid M.
Last Modified 23 Jun 2012Created 18 Feb 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh