NameRandine Olsdatter Dahl
Birth9 Aug 1842, Faberg Parish, Oppland, Norway
Death2 Apr 1898, Fergus Falls, Otter Tail, MN
Misc. Notes
The Evansville Enterprise
Evansville, Douglas County, Minnesota
Friday, April 8, 1898
Page 4, Col. 4.
The Estimable Lady Passes
Away After Long Suffering
From Consumption.
Mrs. O. M. Wick, whose serious illness has been noted from time to time, passed away Saturday morning, April 2, after a long siege of consumption. Her health has been failing for some time, and last fall she took her bed, never to go out again.
Mrs. Wick was one of the pioneers of the county, having lived hers [sic] nearly 25 years. She was born in Gulbrandalens, Norway, Aug. 9, 1842, and was therefore nearly 56 years old. She was a sister of G. O. and Gus. Gahl (should be Dahl), Mrs. Boyington, Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Rustad. She leaves a husband and four living children, Ole, Cleve, Minnie and Roy. Mrs. Boyington and Mrs. Rustad were with her at the time of her death but Mrs. Hammer has returned to her home.--Fergus Falls Journal.
Ole G. and C. W. Wick, two sons, who live in Evansville, were with their mother when she passed away. The funeral took place at Fergus Falls Monday afternoon and was attended by all the old friends of the family. Thus passes away a noble, Christian woman, a good wife and mother and a true friend. The entire family has the sincere sympathy of every one in their bereavement.
Parents of Randine Wick:
Ole C. Dahl married Oline Olstad at Faaberg, Norway in 1839.
Randine; (Mrs. O. M. Wick)
Caroline (Mrs. G.O. Hammer);
Jettemina (Mrs. G.W. Boyington);
Gustav and
Tilda (Mrs. Oliver A. Rustad)
Ole Dahl homesteaded near future Dalton, Otter Tail county, Minnesota USA which was named after him. Ole C. Dahl died August 17, 1908 and Mrs. Dahl died January 13, 1893.
Birth4 Jul 1841, Pelstaden, Trondheim, Norway
Death31 May 1909, Fergus Falls, Otter Tail, MN