Misc. Notes
JOHN R. CHAMBERLAIN. farmer. P. O. Big Plain, was born in Gallia County, Ohio, May 3, 1842, and is a son of Nicholas H. and Susan Chamberlain, he a native of Pennsylvania, and she of Virginia. The maternal grandparents (Bishops) were natives of Virginia. but became early settlers of Gallia County; Ohio, where they lived and died. Nicholas H., the father of our subject. came from Pennsylvania to Ohio when a young single man, and married Susan Bishop in Gallia County, where they located and lived till about 1850, when they removed to Jackson County, where they resided till the war of the rebellion, when he enlisted in the army and served till the close of the war, after which they lived about two years in Madison County. They then removed to Clark County, where on June 10. 1870. Mrs. Chamberlain died, after which Mr. Chamberlain spent the balance of his life with his children in Clark and Jackson Counties, and died in the latter county March 23, 1880. They had a large family of children of whom five now survive-William H.; John R.; Mary Ann, wife of Moses Rider, of Clark County: Martha. wife of John Betts, of Jackson County; and Sarah. wife of John Jones. Mr. Chamberlain was a shoe-
maker by trade, which business he followed through life. John R., the subject of this sketch, was raised in Jackson County, and when about eighteen years of age came to `Madison County. and on February 13, 1867, married Martha F. Gill, who was born in this county January 2, 1850. She was a daughter of Henry and Sarah Ellen Gill, natives of Ohio. By this union they have had nine children-eight of whom now survive-James, born August 12, 1867: Sarah E., December 27, 1S70; Lucetta, December 10, 1872; Alphretta, December 27, 1874; Minnie. February 6. 1877; Kinnie and Lena (twins), March 4, 1879, and John H., July 17, 1881. Mr. Chamberlain has devoted his life to farming, and all within this county but two years, during which he lived in Franklin County. He started out in life at eighteen years of age depending upon his own industry and economy to make a livelihood, and has fought his way through life, step by step. till now he owns a good farm of eighty-three acres, with improvements.