Misc. Notes
Lived in Kentucky until 1829, then moved to Deer Creek Township, Madison County Ohio
80JOHN MINTER. farmer. P. O. La Layette, was born in Harrison County, Va., October 12, 1804: he is a son of
William and Mary Minter, natives of Virginia. The grandparents were John and Elizabeth Minter, also natives of Virginia, who removed to Kentucky. and were among the early settlers of that State; they located on military lands, which, from the uncertain and imperfect titles which then existed, he subsequently lost. About 1802, they removed to Ohio. and were among the pioneers of Delaware County, where they lived and died.
William Minter married Mary Stevenson, and resided in Kentucky till the spring of 1829, when they removed to this county and located in Deer Creek Township, on the tract of land still owned by his son John, our subject, at a point about one mile north of La Fayette. This tract of land he obtained on a military claim, which called for 6.(366;=', acres, of which he obtained about one-third; the balance being absorbed by fraud and expenses of surveys, and in locating the lands. This land was then all in its natural state, with no improvements, and here Mr. Minter spent the active portion of his life; thence he removed to the town of La Fayette. where he passed the last years of his life. He died in August. 1858. aged eighty-two years; his wife died in February. 1868, aged eighty-seven years. Mr. Minter was one of the active, leading men of this community, and held many offices of trust in the township, and as stated in the history of Deer Creek Township. he was the founder of the town of La Fayette. He was always ready with his means and influence to aid in all public improvements for the general good of the community: and many of his neighbors and acquaintances were the recipients of his kindness and financial aid, even to the great injury of himself. and in his death the community lost one of her kindest and best citizens. He was the father of nine children--four now surviving-John, Sallie (now Widow Quinn). William, Crawford and Ann (now Widow Rogers). Our subject grew to manhood in Kentucky, and was in his twenty-fifth year when he came to Madison County with his father. He was married. September 7, 1837, to Mary Delaney, who was born in Urbana, Ohio, November 18,1818, a daughter of David and Sarah Delaney, a native of Champaign County, Ohio. They had but one child Mary. Mr. Delaney died ----: his wife died January 22, 1868. Mr. Minter and wife have had six children-Salome and Saline (twins) born April 12, 1839: the former died January 12, 1857; the latter June 2, 1857; Walter, born April 12, 1842, died June 15, 1844: Sallie Ann, born October 11, 1846, married W. H. Jones; Lewis K., born June 25, 1852; and Benjamin Franklin. born April 9, 1855. Mr. Minter resided upon the old home place of his father till about 1857, when he moved to La Fayette for the purpose of convenience to school, to educate his children. He has now lived fifty-three years in Deer Creek Township.