Misc. Notes
Information from McCain-Clark Site
961910 United States Federal Census about L M Mote - Name: L MMote,Agein 1910: 29, Estimated birth year: abt 1881,Birthplace:Indiana,Relation to Head of House: Wife, Father's BirthPlace:Indiana,Mother's Birth Place: Ohio, Spouse's name: J. A., Homein1910:Columbia, Chelan, Washington, Marital Status: Married,Race:White,Gender: Female, Household Members: Name Age - J A Mote35(Indiana), LM Mote 29 (Indiana), H B Mote 8 (Michigan), D F Mote6(Washington).
1920 United States Federal Census about Laura M Mote - Name:LauraMMote, Home in 1920: El Cajon, San Diego, California, Age:39years,Estimated birth year: abt 1881, Birthplace: Indiana, RelationtoHeadof House: Wife, Spouse's name: John A., Father's BirthPlace:Indiana,Mother's Birth Place: Michigan, Marital Status: Married,Race:White,Sex: Female, Able to read: Yes, Able to Write: Yes,Image:26,Household Members: Name Age - John A Mote 43 (Indiana), LauraMMote39 (Indiana), Hugh B Mote 18 (Michigan), Daniel FMote16(Washington), Harry J Mote 3 (California), James EMote8/12(California).
1930 United States Federal Census about Hugh B Mote - Name: HughBMote,Home in 1930: San Diego, San Diego, California, Age:28,Estimated birthyear: abt 1902, Birthplace: Michigan, Relation toHeadof House: Head,Spouse's name: Dora N., Race: White,HouseholdMembers: Name Age - HughB Mote 28 (Michigan), Dora N Mote24(Coloradao), Anita J Mote 9/12(California).
1966: Oregon Death Index, 1903-98 about Hugh B Mote - Name:Mote,HughB., County: Josephine, Death Date: 21 Jun 1966,Certificate:8640,Spouse: Dora.
1966: Social Security Death Index about Hugh Mote - Name:HughMote,SSN: 543-01-0763, Last Residence: 97526 GrantsPass,Josephine,Oregon, United States of America, Born: 8 Oct 1901,Died:Jun 1966,State (Year) SSN issued: Oregon (Before 1951).
Hugh and Dora Mote lived near Salt Lake City, Utah.