Misc. Notes
One of the early students of Mr. Harrison was James S. Jones, a native of London, born July 31, 1830. He was admitted to the bar in 1853, and was Prosecuting Attorney of Madison County in 1854-55. His parents were William and Elizabeth Jones, natives of Tennessee, who settled at London in 1814. Soon after the expiration of his term as Prosecutor, he removed to Lincoln, Ill., where he engaged in teaching school and the practice of his profession, the latter not proving sufficiently remunerative to support him. He returned to London during the exciting period of the war, and thence went to Champaign City, Ill., where he was married to Eliza. daughter of Dr. Robert Houston, one of the pioneer physicians of Clark County. Ohio, who practiced at South Charleston, where Mrs. Jones was born, subsequently removing with her father to Champaign . County. Ill. Mr. Jones has since continued to follow the legal profession at that place.
80In 1848. James Jones taught in this house. and in 1S49 and 1850 Peter Peetrey
801880 Census - James Jones is now listed as a farmer.