Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
NameSamuel Jones
Birthabt 1817, East Tennessee
Death29 Jun 1887, Madison County Ohio
Deathabt 29 Jun 1887, Madison County, Ohio
FatherIsaac Johnson Jones (~1777-<1823)
MotherJemima (~1781-1850)
Misc. Notes
1850 Census - Franklin County - Sam Jones (38) - Saddler - Infirmary.

1860 Census - Franklin County - Samuel Jones (48) - Sadler - Infirmary

1870 Census - London (County Jail) Samuel Jones (57)

1880 Census has a Samuel Jones - Born in Tennessee (65), both parents are also born in Tennessee. He is living at the infirmary in Union Township Madision County.

Does not appear to have married. Birthdate is unclear as his age is not consistent through the census documents. Need to establish a place of birth.

Obit - Samuel Jones, a former highly esteemed citizen of London, died in the insane department of the County Infirmary last Sunday evening, aged about 70 years. He was a brother of Wm. Jones, the banker, now of Columbus, and has been insane for forty-five years. He was transferred from the Central Insane Asylum at the time of the fire in that institution to the County Infirmary. Wed. June 29, 1887. No death record recorded.104
Misc. Notes
Douglas S Jones in Jones Family Genealogy: "1850 Census - Franklin County - Sam Jones (38) - Saddler - Infirmary. 1860 Census - Franklin County - Samuel Jones (48) - Sadler - Infirmary. 1870 Census - London (County Jail) Samuel Jones (57). 1880 Census has a Samuel Jones - Born in Tennessee (65), both parents are also born in Tennessee. He is living at the infirmary in Union Township Madision County. Does not appear to have married. Birthdate is unclear as his age is not consistent through the census documents. Need to establish a place of birth. Obit - Samuel Jones, a former highly esteemed citizen of London, died in the insane department of the County Infirmary last Sunday evening, aged about 70 years. He was a brother of Wm. Jones, the banker, now of Columbus, and has been insane for forty-five years. He was transferred from the Central Insane Asylum at the time of the fire in that institution to the County Infirmary. Wed. June 29, 1887. No death record recorded."103
Last Modified 26 Sep 2022Created 18 Feb 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh