Misc. Notes
I. W. PRICKETT was born in Clark County, Ohio, the son of John and Sarah (Wood) Prickett, natives respectively of Ohio and New Jersey. They were married in Ohio and followed farming there until 1836, when they came to Indiana, and the rather entered largely into wild lands in Kosciusko County, and in Sparta and Washington Townships, Noble County, taking up their residence in the last-named township, where the remainder of their lives was passed, both dying in the Free-Will Baptist faith, the first church of which denomination in Noble County was located by Mr. Prickett. Their deaths occurred respectively in 1854 and 1855, and they had a family of eleven children, seven of whom reached maturity, viz.: Jane Voris, Isaac W., Jacob P., William, Mary Metz, Thomas and Ann Beezley. Our subject was only three years old when he came to the county with his parents, with whom he remained till nineteen, and then went to Springfield. Clark County, Ohio, and learned the saddler's trade. He next took up his residence in Wabash County, Ind., for one year; then went to South Whitley and engaged in trade, and in 1874 came to Columbia City, where he has built up a fine trade. He has a large salesroom, a brick block, and carries an extensive assortment of harness, saddlery, trunks, robes, etc. He was married, in 1855, to Miss Lois Martin, a native of Troy Township, and they have had four children, viz.: Herschel, Estelle Peabody, Walter and Stephena.