Misc. Notes
JOHN BRADLEY (deceased). John Bradley, the subject of this sketch was born August 12, about the year 1812, in Madison County, Ohio. He was a son of Jonah and Susan Bradley, who emigrated from Virginia and settled in Madison County at an early day. He was reared to manhood on a farm, and received a rudimentary education in a district school. He married Miss Sarah A. Jones. born December 29, 1822, in Madison County. She was a daughter of Zachariah and Elizabeth Jones, who emigrated from Tennessee to Madison County at quite an early day. This union has been blessed with seven children, viz., Calvin, Elizabeth A., Arthur. Charles S., Emma, Albert and Martha A.. the latter two of whom are deceased. Mr. Bradley left to his family a large estate of about 1,100 acres of land, and departed this life in February, 1874. He was an indulgent father and a kind and affectionate husband, and respected by all who knew him. His widow survives him, and resides on her homestead in the southern portion of Monroe Township.
84Death of an old Resident by Drowning.
Information reached as yesterday of the death by drowning of Mr. John Bradley, and old and well-known farmer of Monroe township, this county. The day previous (Monday) Mr. Bradley had taken a saw with him and proceeded to his woods not far from his residence for the purpose of getting out some fence-post timber - Alarmed at his extended absence, some member of his family started out to ascertain the cause, and when the crossing over the Spring Fork of Little Darby was reached, the body of Mr. Bradley was discovered floating in the water a short distance below. It is thought that in crossing the log over the stream, which was wet and slippery, Mr. B.’s feet had slipped and he had fallen into the stream, where the water is some four or five feet deep and was drowned. He was about 65 years of age, and was an old resident in Monroe Township, where he owned a fine farm. The funeral will take place at the residence of the late deceased at 11 o’clock today. Rev. T. N. Glover will preach the sermon.
Wednesday Feb. 4, 1874