Misc. Notes
William (married Sallie Minter, and resides on a farm near La Fayette. in Deer Creek Township),
841860 Census - (16) Madison County - At parents home farming
351880 Census - Farmer, Deer Creek, Madison County
921900 Census - Farmer Deer Creek, Madison County
Portrait and Biographical Record: 1883
William H. Jones. This gentleman is an ex-soldier of the late Civil War, in which he won a military record that reflected credit on the soldiery of this State and of which he may well be proud. He is one of the leading farmers of Deer Creek Township, Madison county, where he has a finely located estate, which, in regard to improvements, is considered one of the most desirable pieces of property in this county.
John C. Jones, the father of our subject, a prominent citizen of Paint Township, this county, was born in Tennessee, June 11, 1817. His mother, who bore the maiden name of Sarah Ann Hume, was the daughter of Thomas and Isabella Taylor and is now deceased. She was married to Mr. Jones October 30, 1839, and reared a family of nine children, of whom our subject is the eldest but one. He was born in Somerford Township, this county, May 23 1842, and was four years of age when his father removed to Paint Township, where he grew to manhood. Our subject remained under the parental roof, aiding his father in cultivating the home farm and attending school. His education was received mostly at London, and later in life he taught school for about twenty years during the winter seasons, following farming in the summers.
November 9, 1865, William H. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Sallie A. Minter. The lady was born in Deer Creek Township, Madison County, October 11, 1846, and was the daughter of John Minter, also a native of that place. Her mother, who bore the maiden name of Mary Jane DeLany, was born in Urbana, this State, in November, 1818, while her father was born in 1806, in Harrison County, Ky. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Minter located in this township, where they have since made their home and reared a family of six children, of whom Mrs. Jones was the fourth in order of birth.
After his marriage, the original of this sketch made his home upon the farm where he is a present residing, in Deer Creek Township, and which comprises one hundred and seventy acres of excellently improved land. Of his family of four children, one is now deceased. Those living are: Annie L, the wife of D. H. Lattimer; Paul and Vera.
Mr. Jones has always been interested in local affairs and has been Township Trustee and Assessor. His interest in school affairs has led him to be placed upon the School Board, in which position he has rendered efficient service. In politics, he is a Democrat, believing in the principles laid down in the platform of that party. He is liberal in his religious views, while his good wife is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In May, 1864, Mr. Jones became a member of Company I, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Ohio Infantry, in the one hundred days’ service. Wherever known, he is honored for his sturdy integrity of character and indefatigable perseverance, and, like all good citizens, he is proud of the advancement of the section in which he lives and willing to bear a hand in movements which will further increase it.
U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
Name: William Jones
Residence: Coshocton County, Ohio
Age at Enlistment: 19
Enlistment Date: 12 Jul 1861
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Ohio
Service Record: Enlisted in Company G, Ohio 80th Infantry Regiment on 13 Feb 1862.
Mustered out on 01 Jan 1863 at Coshocton County, OH.