Misc. Notes
JAMES Q. LOTSPEICH (deceased) was born in Ross County, Ohio May 30, 1809.
His father. Ralph Lotspeich was a native of Tennessee and located at Chillicothe, Ohio, in an early day. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal denomination and a pioneer in the missionary work in the State of Ohio. He was an able and earnest advocate of the religion of Christ, and possessing a remarkably tender heart, could never mention the name of his Master, or tell of His sufferings on the cross. without shedding tears of sympathy. In fact, it was seldom he preached without crying, and this gained for him the title of " the Weeping Prophet." and by that name he was generally known. When twenty-four years of age he married Amelia Rigby, who bore him one daughter and three sons, two now living. He died at the early age of thirty-two years.
Our subject was the oldest child and came to Madison County about 1830 or perhaps a little earlier. He was a saddler by trade, and located in London where he was engaged in business until 1874, a period of forty-three years with the exception of two years. He was an honorable and upright citizen. and a man highly respected. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity the Methodist Episcopal Church of London. and one of the Board of Directors of the Jefferson. South Charleston & Xenia Turnpike until it was sold to the county of Madison. In early life he was a Whig; later a Republican, and served as Justice of the Peace a number of years. Mr. Lotspeich married Sallie, daughter of William Jones. and a sister of John Jones. a retired grocer of London. They were the parents of two daughters and four sons. all living but one, and four in this county. Mr. Lotspeich died in February, 155, aged sixty-six years. Mrs. Lotspeich is yet living. and in fair health. She is sixty-nine years old.
84The following sketch of London. is prepared from data kindly furnished us by John Dungan, Esq., who came to this village in June, 1835.
Those engaged in the manufacture of saddles and harness were Samuel T. Pearce, located on South Main street; and the firm of James Q. Lotspeich and William H. Squires, located on South High street.