Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
Jones Geneaology Report 2024.02.18 - Person Sheet
NameNathaniel Britton
Birth16 Jan 1666
FatherNathaniel Britton (1625-1684)
MotherAnne Stillwell (~1635-)
Misc. Notes
It appears that Nathaniel Britton's will was written while Elizabeth was pregnant with Abraham, "and if my "wife should bring forth a child (by me lawfully begotten" after my decease." is the reason that Abraham is not mentioned in the will or earlier records. The will was recorded June 1, 1729 and Abraham was born Sept. 18, 1729.36

I shall give you the linage of the Britton family as far back as I have any account of them as my grandfather was (as I am informed) an Englishman and born there, I have no account further than to him, which is as follows. But he emmigrated from England to New York in early times and settled on Staten Island and was married a second time to Elizabeth Garritons of that place.2 The name of his first wife is unknown.

All the names from Joseph's handwritten genealogy match the names, in order, from the will of Nathaniel Britton.
Marriagebef 1705
ChildrenAbigail (1705-)
 Elizabeth (1706-)
 Alice (1707-)
 Rebecca (1708-)
 John (1711-)
 Samuel (1713-)
 Mary (1715-)
 Sarah (1718-)
 Rachel (1720-)
 William (1722-)
 Abraham (1729-1798)
ChildrenNathaniel (1688-1747)
Last Modified 9 Oct 2010Created 18 Feb 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh