Misc. Notes
Joseph is a Revolutionary war veteran and there is a copy of his pension papers available. His pension papers say he was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Maryland. (no dates) He then moved to Washington County Tennessee in 1786 and then to Hawkins County Tennessee about 1814.
Some of my records fit with the Baily-Britton history, published in 1962, but many of the dates and names do not. It cannot be proved that the Joseph Britton in that geneaology is our Joseph Britton. There may have been two Joseph Brittons, both who were from Maryland and went to Washington County Tennessee and then to Hawkins County Tennessee. In this book the parents of Joseph Britton are William and Mary (Runkin) Britton. The family record written by Joseph in 1822 has his parents as Abraham Britton and Rebecah Vand Sand.
1840 Census of Pensioner's - Tennessee - he was 87 years old
30Lt in Rev War
30Joseph Britton (MD) Ensign 4th MD 1 Jan 1777; taken prisoner at Phillips Heights 6 Sept 1778 - 2nd Lt. of Gist's Continental Reg. 27 Apr 1779; returned 1 Jan 1781 was attached, was at that time commanded by Gen Smallwood; commission entitled this Deponent to take Rank from the 23 Apr 1779.
30Joseph Britton states in his pension papers that he was born in Pennsylvannia, raised in Maryland and moved from Baltimore Co., MD to Washington Co., TN in 1786. He had a Bounty Land Grant No. 6467 of 2,666 acres for services in the Rev. War. We have not been able to locate this land, but it was sold to John Evans of Ross Co., OH in 1820.
30Joseph Britton had a Grant No. 1076 from the State of NC of 190 acres on Sinking Creek in Washington Co., TN joining his old survey registered Feb 12, 1794. Evidently he owned land there prior to this date. Deed BK 7, page 38, Sept 5, 1794 - Joseph Britton of Washington County to James Martin, in consideration of the sum of 4 pounds, 21 acres being a part of a tract of 200 acres patented to the said Joseph Britten, No. l075, together with all - (see this deed) p. 92 - signed Joseph Britton
30This 200 acres may have been his first land purchase in TN. Next, Henry Oldham to Joseph Britton, 85 acres on Watauga River, at the mouth of Boone's Creek, Joining Bean's line.(Bk 7, Deed Bk 6, p 197, Aug 18, 1796 p 336 July 7 1795). 64 acres of this tract was sold by Joseph Britton to Charles Porter for $135 Apr 28, 1796 (Bk 6, p 281).
30Joseph Britton sold to David Denham, 90 acres, part of 200 acres granted to him by the State of NC, (Reg. Bk F, p 223, date not given).
30Joseph Britton sold several tracts of land in Washington Co., TN between 1794 and 1815, at which time he removed to Hawkins Co., TN (See Following Deeds)
30Grant No. l076 Feb 12 1794
State of NC to Joseph Britton of Washington Co., TN 50 shilllings for every 100 acres, 190 acres beginning on a hickory corner of Dunham and running thence across Sinking Creek north 57 pols to a blackoak and postoak, thence west 85 poles to a blackoak, thence on Chapman's line north 33 east 44 poles to a readoak, thence north 120 poles to a hickory, corner to Britton's old Survery, thence east 42 poles to a whiteoak, thence north 100 poles to a redoak, thence west 164 poles to a hickory, thence south 53 poles to a chestnut, thence south 70 east 104 poles to a locust, north 20 east 168 poles to a hickory to martin's corner, thence south 179 poles to a blackoak, thence east 32 poles to a redoak, thence south 130 poles to a whiteoak, thence south 13 west 80 poles to a small hickory, thence south 56 poles to a whiteoak, thences east 114 poles to a poplar, thence south 45 west 192 poles to the beginning. J. Glasgow Sec. RIch. Dobbs Spaight
Reg. Bk 7, p 224 July 12 1794
30Bk 7, p 336, Jul 7, 1795
Henry Oldham to Joseph Britton for the sum of 40 pounds Virginia currency, land on Watauga River bounded as follows: Beginning at a sycamore tree at the mouth of Boones Creek, thence south 48 poles west 60 poles to a spanish oak, thence west Stone's north line 26 west 16 poles to a sycamore tree on the north of the creek, thences up the creek as it meanders south 18 west 64 poles to a poplar, thences with Bean's line to a post oak, nearly a north course to two spanish oaks on the clift, then down the clift to the nearest part of the river, thences up the various meanders of the river to the place of the beginning, 85 acres.
Witnesses: John Carney, Rith Oldham, Nancy Oldham, Henry Oldham, Test: Jas. Sevier C.C> May Term of Court 1796. Reg May 1797
30Bk 7, p 38 Sept 5, 1794
Joseph Britton of Washington County to James Martin in consideration of the sum of 4 pounds, land in Washington County. Beginning at a locust tree, corner to Jacob Bull;s land, thence 21 east 145 poles to a hickory, a corner of said martin's other land, then south 130 poles to a blackoak, then east 33 poles to a postoak, then south 24 poles to a whiteoak, then west with a straight line to the beginning. Containing 21 acres, being a part of a tract of land of 200 acres patented to the said Joseph Britton, No. l075f together with all - etc.
Witness: Wm McCloud, Moses Humphreys, John Austin, Joseph Britton, Jas. Sevier, C.C.
30"Governor Sevier, after the establishment of the State Government, proceeded to issue commissions to all the Civil and Military officers in all the counties of the State, the names of the magistrates in Washington County, at the first court after the State Constitution was formed, are: James Stuart, John Tipton, John Weir, John Adams, John Strain, Henry Nelson, Joseph Young, Joseph Couch, William Nelson, Robert Blair, Jesse Payne, Isaac Depreve, Charles MCCray, Samuel Wood, Jacob Brown, John Alexander, Joseph Brittain, John Norwood and John Hammer." (Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee, p 668 - 1796)
301830 US Census: Hawkins, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1830; Census Place: Not Stated, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: 178; Page: 53.
Joseph Britton 70-80
1 M 15-20
1 M 20-30
1 F 20-30
1 F 60-70
30There are conflicting records on place of death and place of burial. My interpretation is that Joseph may have died in Jonesboro, Washington Co. Tennessee and was buried in Hawkins Co. Tennessee.